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What Are the Most Common Types of Senior Living Options?

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What Are the Most Common Types of Senior Living Options?

Over the years, our needs, capabilities, and desires can change. What once seemed perfectly suited to our lifestyle may no longer fit as comfortably. If this is the case, it’s time to consider senior living. So what are the most common types of senior living—and how can you tell that it’s time for a change?

There are 3 main types of senior living options:

  • Assisted living
  • Memory care
  • Respite care

Each of these can be ideal for seniors, but they do have some key differences. Understanding each option is the first step towards getting your loved one the care they deserve!

What Is Assisted Living?

For many seniors, every year can bring a new change. Some changes are good, but some can make daily activities a little bit more difficult than they need to be. Mobility, stiffness, joint pain—these can all have a significant impact on a person’s ability to stay independent.

So for older adults who enjoy their independence and autonomy, but need a hand with their daily activities, what can they do? If this is the case, it’s time for assisted living.

Assisted living is a type of senior living designed to help seniors who struggle to safely perform their daily tasks, but prefer to stay independent where possible. It’s an ideal choice for seniors who can no longer safely live on their own but don’t require the around-the-clock care offered by more medical care options.

Who Is Assisted Living For?

Imagine a home-style setting with plenty of services and amenities designed to improve your loved one’s quality of life. They can receive a custom care plan tailored to their unique needs. This is assisted living.

Whether your loved one needs a hand with bathing, grooming, housekeeping, or even managing their medication, assisted living can be an incredible way to improve their quality of life—all in a place that feels just like home.

What Is Memory Care?

Dementia, a complex group of neurodegenerative disorders, can have a large impact on a person’s life. These conditions can affect a person’s memory, behavior, personality, and overall independence, and can pose significant challenges throughout a person’s life.

Because of dementia’s complexities, a person living with memory impairment may struggle to live alone. Daily activities become more difficult, or they may even be at risk of harming themselves. So what can you do when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia?

This is when memory care can help. This is a specialized type of senior living designed to help seniors living with memory impairment. These communities focus on providing a safe, supportive, and loving environment that caters to your loved one’s unique needs.

The Benefits of Memory Care

Unlike other types of senior living, memory care communities have additional security features in place to help handle the complex problems posed by dementia. The staff members undergo additional training to better understand the condition, and each resident receives a personalized care plan tailored to meet their needs.

This is an incredible way to support older adults living with memory impairment and cognitive decline. It’s a special community designed to cater to their unique situation and support them each and every day.

What Is Respite Care?

Caring for a loved one is rewarding, but that doesn’t mean it’s always the easiest thing in the world. As a caregiver, you’ve likely noticed that you sometimes need to take a step back and breathe. Caregiver burnout can pose a significant risk to both you and your loved one, and it’s something best avoided.

If you start to notice that you’re burning out, as though you’re constantly tired and there isn’t enough time in the day, it’s time to consider respite care. This is a temporary type of senior living designed to give you a break without compromising your loved one’s health.

A senior woman sitting in a chair and talking to a caregiver in senior living community.

Respite care offers short-term relief by providing a home for your loved one for a set period of time. They can move to a senior living community and be surrounded by trained, experienced, and loving caregivers, while you take a step back and focus on your own needs for a change.

Who Is Respite Care For?

However, it’s about more than just giving you a break. It’s also a chance for seniors to experience a different type of living environment and try out senior living for themselves. Some seniors use respite care as a trial for a senior living community, while others can use it to recover from a recent illness, surgery, or complication.

Whether you need to take care of yourself for a change or your loved one wants to try senior living for themselves, respite care offers a way for you both to get the care and attention you need—without putting anybody’s health at risk.

Choosing the Right Senior Living Community

Here at All American Assisted Living at Hanson, we know that every person is unique. That’s why we’re proud to offer several different living options for our residents! Whether your loved one needs assisted living, memory care, or respite care, we have the right community for them. Schedule a tour with our community today to take the first step towards finding your loved one’s future home!

Written by All American Assisted Living at Hanson

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