All American at Hanson
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When Should Respite Care for the Elderly Be Accessed?

Caring for a loved one is a rewarding yet demanding responsibility, especially for one person to manage. Without taking some much-needed self-care, you may find yourself on the brink of caregiver burnout, which can directly affect the level of care you can safely provide. Respite care offers a temporary solution. It’s a short-term stay that […]

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What Is the Difference Between Forgetfulness and Dementia?

It’s something we’ve all experienced—misplacing car keys, forgetting an appointment, or walking into a room and wondering why. Occasional forgetfulness is just another part of getting older. But when does this shift from being a “normal” aspect of aging to something more serious? Normal forgetfulness typically involves minor lapses, like briefly forgetting someone’s name only […]

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Can Hip Fractures Impact Cognitive Decline?

A hip fracture is a serious injury that can significantly affect a senior’s life. For older adults, especially those with existing health issues, hip fractures can lead to both physical and mental health challenges.  While the focus is often on physical recovery, research shows that these injuries can also contribute to cognitive decline, including conditions […]

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Top 10 Online Safety Tips for Seniors

As the internet becomes an integral part of daily life, older adults are increasingly embracing the digital world to stay connected, access information, and manage tasks like banking and shopping. However, this digital freedom comes with risks that can affect personal and financial security.  Key tips to stay safe online include creating strong passwords, being […]

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How Do I Know When It’s Time for Assisted Living?

Most older adults want to remain in their homes for as long as possible. However, that beautiful big home, perfect for raising children and hosting dinner parties, becomes harder to maintain after children leave the nest and energy levels decrease. Fortunately, assisted living offers a great alternative living situation for older adults who don’t need […]

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The Difference Between Memory Care & Dementia Care

As our loved ones live longer, finding the right care can become crucial for families. In particular, those dealing with memory-related conditions such as dementia face unique challenges that require specialized care and attention.  Memory care and dementia care are two types of services designed to address these needs, but what exactly sets them apart?  […]

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