All American at Hanson
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How Do I Know When It’s Time for Assisted Living?

Most older adults want to remain in their homes for as long as possible. However, that beautiful big home, perfect for raising children and hosting dinner parties, becomes harder to maintain after children leave the nest and energy levels decrease. Fortunately, assisted living offers a great alternative living situation for older adults who don’t need […]

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The Difference Between Memory Care & Dementia Care

As our loved ones live longer, finding the right care can become crucial for families. In particular, those dealing with memory-related conditions such as dementia face unique challenges that require specialized care and attention.  Memory care and dementia care are two types of services designed to address these needs, but what exactly sets them apart?  […]

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Why Should Seniors Perform Balance Exercises?

Imagine a life where every step is confident and every movement is assured. For seniors, maintaining balance isn’t just about preventing falls—it’s about preserving independence and enhancing quality of life. Balance exercises, like the ones we incorporate into our Stronger Living program and community fitness events, are key to helping your loved one improve and […]

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Daily Living Aids for Seniors to Improve Independence

As our loved ones age, they may find it more challenging to perform everyday tasks and maintain a high quality of life. Promoting independence is key in helping them achieve this, whether alone or in a senior community.  Daily living aids designed for older adults are invaluable tools that help with various daily activities, ensuring […]

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What Causes Hormone Imbalance in Seniors?

Hormone imbalance can occur for many reasons. However, as you age, your body goes through various changes, and one of the significant factors that can impact overall health and well-being is hormone imbalance. Causes of hormone imbalance in seniors can include hormone fluctuation, stress, aging, lifestyle, medical conditions, and environmental factors. Regular health assessments can […]

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